The links to External Benchmarking Data and other resources below add an additional layer of data related to Princeton University students, faculty, and staff. Included with each link is a brief explanation of where the data is compiled, by whom, and how to navigate.
Note: Most of these items provide peer comparison data collected at varying degrees of detail. Other links will direct users to external associations Should you have any questions or need further insight regarding external data resources, please contact the Institutional Research Office at Princeton University directly.
AAUDE (Association of American Universities Data Exchange)
"The Association of American Universities Data Exchange (AAUDE) is a public service organization whose purpose is to improve the quality and usability of information about higher education. Our membership is comprised of AAU institutions that support this purpose and participate in the exchange of data/information to support decision-making at their institution" (AAUDE).
"The data exchanged and reports prepared by AAUDE include both public and confidential topics. Other information is exchanged among member institutions on the basis of mutual confidentiality and on the expectation that those who do not provide data will not use them".
AAUDE (Assocation of American Universities Data Exchange)
Institutional Research Offices at Select Peer Institutions
California Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
College Navigator (National Center for Education Statistics)
Much of the information collected by the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) is collected through the use of interconnected survey instruments. This data is processed in many ways, one of which is through the College Navigator Website. College Navigator sorts information into a more user-friendly format that allows the public to explore information related to tuition, net price, retention and graduation rates, programs/majors, accreditation, and more.
The data behind the user interface consists primarily of the latest collection from IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System).
College Navigator (National Center for Education Statistics)
College Scorecard
The College Scorecard was redesigned in 2015 to be an interactive college search tool created with, "direct input from students, families, and their advisers". This new tool provides accessible and reliable information on college costs, graduation rates, debt levels, and earnings after graduation. Data displayed through this resource was made available to help students and families make informed decisions during the college application process.
Included below are the direct links to Princeton's Scorecard Data, as well as the data from the selected peer group used above.
California Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
IPEDS(Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System) Data Center
The Data Center allows users to retrieve IPEDS data using a variety of gateways that provide data on students and employees at institutions of higher education in the United States. Data is collected using a network of surveys annually conducted by the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics).
Trend data can be retrieved on the most frequently asked subject areas across different institutional types, and downloaded for local use. Data included in the system related to institutional characteristics, institutional prices, admissions, enrollment, financial aid, degree completions, student persistence and success, institutional resources (employees, salaries, staff).
Note: IPEDS student data consists of full-time, first-time degree seeking undergraduate/graduate students.
IPEDS (Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System) Data Center
NCSES (National Science Foundation Division of Science and Engineering Statistics)
"The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES), formerly the Division of Science Resources Statistics, was established within the National Science Foundation by Section 505 of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010. The name signals the central role of NCSES in the collection, interpretation, analysis, and dissemination of objective data on the science and engineering enterprise"(NCSES).
NCSES compiles and reports on data related to R&D, science and engineering workforce, U.S. competitiveness in STEM, and condition of STEM programming in the U.S.
NCSES (National Science Foundation Division of Science and Engineering Statistics)
NCES (National Center for Education Statistics)
"The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and other nations. NCES is located within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences. NCES fulfills a Congressional mandate to collect, collate, analyze, and report complete statistics on the condition of American education; conduct and publish reports; and review and report on education activities internationally"(NCES).
NCES (National Center for Education Statistics)
SAM (Student Achievement Measure)
"The Student Achievement Measure is supported by six sponsoring associations, working together to provide a more comprehensive and accurate picture of student progress and completion as students move across institutions and state boundaries" (SAM).
Student Achievement Measure: Princeton University
AIR (Association for Institutional Research)
"The Association for Institutional Research (AIR) is the world's largest professional organization for institutional researchers. AIR provides educational resources, best practices, and professional-development opportunities for its more than 4,000 members".
The AIR community provides helpful resources to institutional researchers seeking new models for analysis, visualization, and data sharing. AIR also provides updates on subject matter and key issues pertinent to the many roles associated with institutional research.
AIR (Association for Institutional Research)
U-CAN (University and College Accountability Network)
"The University & College Accountability Network (U-CAN) is designed to offer prospective students and their families concise, Web-based consumer-friendly information about the nation's private, nonprofit colleges and universities in a common format. It was developed and is maintained by the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU)"(U-CAN).
WebCASPAR (Integrated Science and Engineering Resources Data System)
"The WebCASPAR database provides easy access to a large body of statistical data resources for science and engineering (S&E) at U.S. academic institutions. WebCASPAR emphasizes S&E, but its data resources also provide information on non-S&E fields and higher education in general"(WebCASPAR).
WebCASPAR gives the user the ability to combine data sources in a table builder format, utilizing NSF (National Science Foundation) and NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) data sources such as the Survey of Earned Doctorates, Survey of Graduate Students & Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering, and IPEDS Completions and Enrollments submissions.
WebCASPAR (Integrated Science and Engineering Resources Data System)
Princeton's Institutional Profile
COFHE (Consortium on Financing Higher Education)
"In collaboration with member institution personnel, the COFHE staff conducts a range of routine, episodic, and ad hoc research activities to inform and support institutional decision-making. In addition, over the past three decades, COFHE has crafted a Suite of Surveys that allows for a systematic and robust examination of the undergraduate experience"(COFHE).