

Princeton University's CPUC (Council of the Princeton University Community) task force on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, beginning in the Fall of 2014, was charged with, "...developing recommendations for improving University policies, practices and programming regarding diversity, inclusion, and equity for the campus community"(CPUC).  Part of this charge included regular reporting on student and employee demographics to monitor progress in the areas of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and U.S. Citizenship Status.

The "Diversity Dashboards" included here provide insight into these (4) areas related to the Princeton community of students, faculty, and staff.  Additional information on Diversity and Inclusion at Princeton University can be found by clicking on the link above or by visiting the Institutional Equity & Diversity website.

About the data

  • Data represent Opening Enrollment census dates.  October 15th for students and November 1 for employees included in the data set.
  • The data included in the dashboards and data tables was updated in January 2023.

Student Data

  • Student data includes Princeton's full-time undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degree candidates
  • Those students who are not currently seeking a degree are not included in the Opening Enrollment dataset
  • Each individual student is counted and results represent an unduplicated headcount

Employee Data

  • Employee data only includes individuals paid by Princeton University
  • Additionally, HR (Human Resources) data consists of all active employees and employees on paid leave
  • Each faculty member or employee is counted once in their primary appointment/home department