Institutional Review Panel for the use of Administrative Data in Research (PADR)
The Institutional Review Panel for the use of Administrative Data in Research (PADR) facilitates access to administrative data maintained by Princeton University for use in research that seeks to improve the quality of, and access to, Princeton’s educational offerings or that addresses issues in the higher-education sector more broadly. PADR serves as the point of contact for investigators who require University administrative data as an essential component of their research.
Administrative data are defined as information collected and maintained by the University as part as of its normal business operations. Prior to the release of administrative data PADR works with University Data Stewards to ensure that the proposed use, and release of data, is consistent with state and federal regulations and with University policies, practices, and priorities.
Among other factors, PADR considers the evidence of University support /sponsorship, data accessibility, the involvement of external third parties, data storage and security plans, data retention plans, and the availability of resources to support the request.
Researchers requesting access to data maintained by the University for use in their research should note that:
- This process is distinct from that of the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB) whose mission is to protect the rights, privacy, and welfare of human participants in research conducted by Princeton University faculty, staff and students.
- PADR considers applications on an on-going basis, but notes that the time required to consider and produce data requests varies widely. Data requests are scheduled within existing production schedules, and completed when resources are available.
- As such, it is strongly recommended that investigators complete a PADR application at least three months prior to the desired project start date. In most cases, this will allow sufficient time for application review, proposal refinement, scheduling of work, and development of a Data Use Agreement (DUA).
- The information provided in the application is used to access the feasibility of the request and the University’s ability to fulfill request in a timely manner. The application also informs a comprehensive compliance and security review, as well as, the development of the DUA.
- Given these factors, the University may not be able to provide the information requested. Completion of this application in no way obligates the University to provide the information requested.
- PADR will not authorize the release of University data until a signed DUA and all supporting documentation have been received.
- Investigators, usually Princeton faculty members, seeking access to administrative data maintained by the University for use in research should first review PADR FAQs and PADR Documents and then complete the PADR Application Form.