Presentations and Reports

Annual Report of the Treasurer

Report focuses on concept of sustainability and commitment to responsible stewardship of both financial and environmental resources.






Annual Report of the University Research Board

The Dean for Research and the offices that report to the dean, including:  Research and Project Administration, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Technology Licensing, Research Integrity and Assurance, Laboratory Animal Resources, work together to steward and administer Princeton University's thriving research enterprise.






History of Sponsored Research Expenditures

Annual Report of the Priorities Committee

Recommendations and details concerning the Princeton University Operating Budget for the forthcoming fiscal year.






Princeton Profile

"The 'profile' answers the most frequently asked questions about Princeton and highlights many of the diverse resources available on campus, including our generous need-based financial aid program.  Offers a quick reference to many of the academic, cultural, recreational, economic and community activities that enrich this University and all whom it touches" (A Princeton Profile).


2026 Campus Plan

A status report centering on the 2026 Campus Plan being developed by representatives of Princeton University.  This serves as an update to the plan which succeeds the University's 2026 Campus plan, and establishes a framework to guide the evolution of the campus through 2026 and beyond.

The 2026 Princeton Campus Plan

Princeton University Strategic Planning Framework

"This framework reflects two years of discussion with the Board of Trustees and throughout the campus.  The board began its discussions in January 2014...The Board has met with representatives of many task forces, and it has considered preliminary reports from them while  preparing this plan...guided by this framework, the administration will determine how the task forces' recommendations might evolve into proposals for projects, some of which could be implemented by administrative or faculty action, and some of which would come to the board for evaluation pursuant to this strategic framework" (Strategic Plan).

Princeton University Strategic Framework

We Speak: Attitudes on Sexual Misconduct at Princeton

"The We Speak: Attitudes on Sexual Misconduct (We Speak Survey) is part of Princeton University's ongoing efforts to provide a campus environment that is safe and supportive to all students an in compliance with Title IX.  Princeton intends to use the findings of the survey to inform campus programming to address and prevent these issues, as well as take other proactive steps to improve our campus environment".

2015 Summary Report

2016 Summary Report

2016 Survey Report Infographic

2017 Summary Report

2017 Survey Report Infographic

2022 Survey Report